Team Leaderboards
Week 5

The leaderboards shown below are dynamically updated as participants log their daily activity. They are intended to show ranking status in real-time but they do not necessarily determine the awarding of weekly achievement badges. Leaderboard achievement badges for the week will show up under your "My Team Progress" area once the week ends (at midnight on Monday). This assures that all activity for the week has been submitted by all teams before rankings are determined.

Calculations for Team Rank are based on overall team participation (it doesn't matter how many minutes of activity you completed or how many steps you took - as long as you did enough to earn full credit for the day, you get participation credit). The more days that team members can complete during the week, the higher the team participation score will be. Days where participants do not participate or do not achieve full credit will have a negative impact on the team's overall participation score.

Teams Ranked by Participation Score
Current Individual Week [Week 5]

RANKTeam Name Weekly Team Participation Score

Teams Ranked by Participation Score
Cumulative [WK1 + WK2 + WK3 + WK4 + WK5]

RANKTeam Name Weekly Team Participation Score

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