Removing Extra Buttons from Blackboard Menu

With our 2020 Blackboard Navigation to the Cloud, we will experience faster responses and improved functionality. But of course we have some growing pains.

When the courses for 2020 Fall were loaded, the Odessa College template was applied, however the existing default Blackboard menu was not removed. This means that you might have extra buttons in your courses.

Removing those buttons is easy. Let’s take a look at how you can remove those buttons to ensure that your course menus are not confusing to your learners.

Bb Navigation Panel after Miration - Remove HomePage, Information, Content, Discussions, Groups, Tools, Help
Navigation Panel, after Bb Migration

After the migration, our common template has been applied, but the default Bb template was not overwritten, as you can see in the image on the right.
Extra buttons that appeared with the Blackboard Migration will need to be deleted.

The buttons that need to be removed are:

Home Page

Click the button to the left of the button name, and select Delete from the menu that appears.

You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the menu item. Click Delete.
Follow on screen prompts to delete

Blackboard will prompt you to be sure that you want to delete. Click Delete this Menu Item (for the prompt above), then click Delete (when you see the prompt below.

Permanently Delete the Menu Item by clicking Delete

Follow these steps to remove each of the extra buttons from your menu. Your final menu should look like this after you copy your content into your course:

Official Navigation Panel for Odessa College should have 7 buttons visible to students: Announcements, Faculty Information, Course Information, Coursework, My Grades, Communication, Need Help? There's also a hidden "Instructor resources" button at the bottom.
Odessa College’s Official Course Navigation Panel

Download a “How To” PDF by clicking here!