Download Grade Center from Blackboard!

Blackboard allows you to download your Grade Center as an Excel spreadsheet so that you can maintain an archive of your grades or work offline. For larger classes, this can provide a way for you to see all of your student grades at once… look for any missed grades… and even verify if your grading calculations and weights are correct. But with scheduled Blackboard maintenance occurring around the same time that final grades are due in WebAdvisor, this can also provide you with access to your grades even if Blackboard is offline.

Here’s how you can download your Grade Center:

Access the Full Grade Center

Click Work Offline and select Download from the menu that appears.
Blackboard’s default is to download the Full Grade Center, but you select specific columns, or just student info.
Click Download

The default name for the downloaded file will be gc_[courseID]_fullgc_[date/time] (where [courseID] is replaced by your course ID, and [date/time] is replaced by the system date/time of the download.

Save or Open the Grade Center download file.

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