If you’re like me, you like Prezi. To me, it can seem more engaging than PowerPoint. But when you add that link to your AMAZING Prezi presentation, how many of your students actually click on it to view it? Did you know that you can embed your Prezi right into your Blackboard content area? Well you can! Here’s how you can do this!
Copy the block of text that’s bolded below. (You can click and drag to highlight, then hold down CTRL (or CMD for Mac users) and press C.
<iframe width="550" height="400" src="your_view_link/embed" webkitallowfullscreen="1" mozallowfullscreen="1" allowfullscreen="1"></iframe>
In your Blackboard course, access the area where you want your Prezi to be visible to your students. (Hint: Add a new item!)
Give the item a name in the “Name” field.
Click “HTML” button (third row on the far right of the toolbars).
NOTE: If you don’t have the “HTML” button, click the “Show More/Show Less” button to toggle additional tools.
In the HTML Code view, paste the code that you copied in the step above. To do this, you can click anywhere in the window, hold down CTRL (CMD for Mac users) and press V.
Next, go to the Prezi presentation you want to share. You can open a new tab in your browser to do this so you do not lose what you’ve done in Blackboard.
Click the down arrow button to the right of the title of your Prezi title….
…And select Share view link.
Click Create new link
Prezi will allow you to name the link so that you can track through analytics. I named mine for my course…
…And copy the link provided. You can click and drag to highlight the link, then hold down CTRL (CMD for Mac users) and select press C.
Return to the Blackboard tab in your broswser, where your HTML Code View window should still be open…
Click and drag to select your_view_link (Being careful to leave the other text intact… that includes leaving the “ before, and also the / after.
After highlighting ONLY your_view_link paste the link to your Prezi by holding down CTRL (CMD for Mac users) and pressing V
You should see that the link to your Prezi has replaced the text your_view_link as in the image below
Click Update to save it. You will see your Prezi as a big yellow block until you click the Submit button. That’s okay! That’s how you should see it in the editing window… You will see your Prezi in the regular view in Blackboard, and your students will be able to interact with it using the buttons in the Prezi controls.