Using Blackboard’s Test Availability Exceptions

When giving a test in Blackboard, you may find that you have students that need a test to behave differently than it does for everyone else. For example, a student you may have a student who requires special accommodations such as more time to take an exam. Or you may have a student who needs to take the test at a different time from the rest of a class.  These scenarios can be taken care of by using the Test Availability Exceptions under Testing Options.
This process allows you to create testing exceptions without the adaptive releases or extra grade center columns!

Here’s how you can do this:

Click Edit the Test Options As you are deploying a test, or after the test is deployed, you can change the way the test behaves for individual
students or groups in the Test Options window.
Scroll down to Test Availability Exceptions.

Click on Add Users or Group to display a roster of your students

Scroll down to Test Availability Exceptions and click Add User or Groups
Click the check box next to student(s) or group(s) to add test availaability exceptions Select the student(s) or group of students (by clicking in the checkbox/es)

Click Submit


Select the changes that are necessary for number of attempts,
timer information, and availability for each student or group and hit Submit
If you need to remove a student from the Test Availability Exceptions list, click the X on the left.
Be sure to click Submit to save your changes.


Blackboard's Test Availability Exceptions tool allows you to create exceptions to tests administered through Blackboard, customizable to meet the varying accommodation needs of your students. Want to know more? Grab a cup of coffee and... Download this! Blackboard’s Test Availability Exceptions tool allows you to create exceptions to tests administered through Blackboard, customizable to meet the varying accommodation needs of your students.

Want to know more? Grab a cup of coffee and… Download this!


Gotta a Minute? Learn something new!
Click here for a brief video on using
Blackboard’s Test Availability Exceptions!
Got a minute? Learn something new! Blackboard's Test Availability Exceptions (video)

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